Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Stoking The Embers, Book 3 by Leslie Johnson




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The nightmare continues for Ken and Stephanie as the lunatic haunting them remains free. They take a stand and hold onto each other, sticking together for better or worse.
They thought they'd know what 'worse' was. But 'worse' wears many faces it seems.
Their love and passion will meet its great challenge of all, turning Stephanie's greatest fear into reality.
Welcome to the final book of the Stoking the Embers Trilogy. Discover how this emotional roller coaster ends.

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This is the third and final portion of this series. We are going to find out what is really going on and why this is happening. This time however, we see a few things from Jerome's viewpoint.

Stephanie and Ken are facing their imminent death and are professing their love for each other. This is just the most recent trial they have had to face together. Can this really ever be over or is this terror going to last forever?

What will happen next? Will they find out what is really behind this? Will Stephanie & Ken ever get to the bottom of the torture they have been dealing with and facing?


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Leslie is a California native but recently moved to Arizona after a stint in Arkansas. She enjoys travel and being with friends.
She is an avid reader of many genres, but prefers romances with travel or thriller themes. She loves writing about strong women and strong men because the world needs both!

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